Team Building Training

Understanding teamwork


Two days long team building training for LWF Nepal team was concluded yesterday in Kathmandu Nepal. The training was focused on team building and strengthening skills and strategies in organizational leadership, effective communication, code of conduct and effective project management. Furthermore, the training also focused on occupational safety and health (OSH) of staff and staff welfare/wellbeing.  Training event was supported by ALWS and training sessions were facilitated by an independent consultant and LWF staff.

Outdoor activities and games were given due priority to make event more interactive and maximize the participation of every participants. The session on opportunities and barriers in interdepartmental teaming was found useful in identifying organizational, programmatic and individual opportunities and challenges/barriers. Dr. Bijaya Bajracharya, Country Director, emphasized the importance of such exercises to strengthen team work and make work environment healthier and conducive.  

Snake and ladder game- Identifying opportunities and challenges

The training was attended by 36 national staff from its country coordination and three provincial offices. Despite of monsoon season, the staff were travelled to the training venue and actively took part in the training sessions. 

Teamwork begins by building trust. ...