The “Transboundary Flood Resilience Project in South Asia” (TBR) is an award-winning project of “2021 ACT Alliance Climate Resilience Award” for good practice project in disaster risk reduction and climate change. The project aims to contribute to increase flood resilience of local communities in Nepal and Bangladesh through increased capacity of communities and government. Amidst the impact of COVID 19, one of the effective and innovative ongoing projects entitled, “Transboundary Flood Resilience Project in South Asia” the project uses innovative approaches of Community to Community in the form of community based early warning system, Community to Government through community and government’s engagement for developing and implementing policy, and Academic to Academia through conducting various researches and publishing journal articles in global platform. The project has collaborated with Government to prepare Local disaster and climate resilience plan.
The project has adapted river basin approaches to flood resiliency and covers GBP river basin from Nepal to India and Bangladesh. The up-stream flood plains of Gandak river system linking to the mid-stream part of the Brahmaputra near Indo-Nepal border to down-stream flood plain areas of Brahmaputra river system linking to the lower part of the Padma near Indo-Bangladesh border. The project increases capacity of communities and government in Padma river basin in Bangladesh and Gandak/Narayani river basin in Nepal and India on real time information on flood warnings information, have established and utilized flood preparedness and mitigation plans and increased the community coping capacity through diversified livelihood options